The fresh start tattoo removal program, inc. (an official 501(c)3 organization) is a nationwide community program that removes visible gang and prison tattoos off of former gang members for free to help these people get jobs and improve the quality of their lives. with employment, there is a much lower return to prison rate.. Sex trafficking is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, including sexual slavery. sex trafficking has two aspects of supply and demand. the sex exploitation is based on the interaction between the trafficker selling a victim (the individual being trafficked and sexually exploited) to customers to perform sexual services. sex trafficking crimes are defined in three ways. Arien pauls, 27, a human trafficking victim, is getting a tattoo removed that marked her as property, thanks to a new project started by united way fresno and madera counties..
İwelfare and institutions code section 1916(i).] 10)limits the use of the california voluntary tattoo removal program grant funding to the following: a) the removal of gang-related tattoos; b) maintenance or repair of tattoo removal medical devices; and c) contracting with licensed private providers to offer the tattoo removal service.. Assembly bill 1956 (portantino, 2012) – enacted september 29, 2012 - expands the california voluntary tattoo removal program to serve individuals, between 14 and 24, who were tattooed for identification in human trafficking or prostitution.. The california victim compensation board (calvcb) can help pay bills and expenses that result from violent crime. victims of crime who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible for help..